
Andrew Burla was introduced to me by his father, Ken.  Ken and I fish trout using mostly flies tied by Ken but Andrew gave me a handful of flies to try.  Most of the drys he ties I put away because they are to exquisite to use.  One big streamer he ties (Burla Bug) started producing extremely large fish and this fly has made it a reality for his father to catch all his top fish and made me a true believer that this design will produce the real big ones.  The Burla Bug should really be called "Get The Net" because when we go to this pattern, someone is going to have to get the net.  Thank you, Andrew!

-Bob Lowe, Kingfisher Guide Service

While out fishing with Andrew, I used a fly that Andrew gave me to use.  The results were amazing as it was so attractive in the water, dancing downstream to a waiting bull trout that couldn't resist stalking and, ultimately, going after it.  It was my first ever bull trout that I have caught and since then, his fly has been my go to pattern if I want to catch big fish.  Thank you Predator Flies for the successes I've had; I wouldn't fish with any other!

-Tanner Horhozer

I have fished with Andrew for a number of years and have always borrowed his flies.  His bull trout flies (which I have used on a number of occasions while searching for bull trout in Alberta waters) are durable and have excellent movement, attracting fish after fish.  Predator Flies definitely has the go to patterns while hunting for bull trout.

-Paul Harps

As far as I can remember, Andrew has always had a passion for fishing.  As a young child he spent tireless hours on the river and tying flies.  Now as an adult, he has been producing many flies that have proven excellent patterns.  I know first hand how effective his flies are and have used numerous styles with great results!  I have been generous with passing them around to my fishing buddies and many of them have also had great success with his flies.

-Ken Burla

Predator Flies are something I look for, search for and will not leave on a fishing trip without! Their creator Andrew Burla is one of the young guns of fly tying who is solid and forward thinking. He is a product of his environment, South Western Alberta, and he has a very close connection with the fish of the area. His creation of Predator Flies are one of the true boons for fly fishers coming to SWAB and to those from the area that want to step up their game. Don’t just try his flies; believe in them, trust them and then invest in them and they will pay you back by doing what they are named to do: be a predator.

-Ray Fairweather

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